I sometimes wear a "hidden Disabilities" lanyard when I'm out. I think it sometimes helps to let people know that they might have to have a little mote patience with me if I have trouble communicating or understanding. Have you heard of of these lanyards (they are green and have sunflowers on them)? Would you use one?

Hi Rosie. If you want to signal that you'd like people to be a little more patient and civil, why NOT wear a badge or a lanyard. Is you search on the Etsy website you will find lots of "please be patient" badges.
I hadn't heard of these. In fact I only recently got to know the word lanyard. I've often thought of wearing a label saying, "Please be kind; I'm finding life difficult." Just a little kindness and patience can make so much difference. I think I would wear one although I'm not diagnosed with a disability. I feel more and more this thing that I have - no diagnosis other than depression - is a disability. Life seems harder and more complicated by the day.